Clinical Hypnotherapy Training in Australia

Why consider hypnotherapy training from Australia’s longest-standing not-for-profit clinical hypnosis organisation? Beyond being a potentially powerful tool to assist others, a hypnotherapy qualification represents a versatile and rewarding job opportunity as demand for alternative therapies increases. In addition, this postgraduate certification is a valuable addition to existing professional healthcare, counselling, or coaching skillset while offering the learner an insightful personal growth experience.

Clinical Hypnosis Training Is Provided by and for Professionals

Founded by registered psychologists, doctors and dentists, the Australian Society of Hypnosis WA Branch Inc has provided postgraduate professional development and education for hundreds of professionals. Only those with associated degrees from recognised providers may apply, assuring the highest standards and regulations. The course comprises 14 live online sessions, with weekend workshops.

Relying on this natural, conscious, yet altered state of awareness can potentially help enable clients to access and build on their inherent coping resources and strengths. So the programme and short courses cover skills to address diverse concerns and goals, including anxiety, addiction, pain management, sexual dysfunction, self-esteem, and childbirth.

Help Change Your Clients’ Minds Today

Expand your understanding and practice today. Register for the Australian Society of Hypnosis WA Branch Inc’s course, and get up to four times as many upfront contact hours as competitors for less money.


Postgraduate Training in Clinical Hypnosis

The Committee of ASH WA Inc is pleased to announce that registration for the 2025 Postgraduate Training in Clinical Hypnosis Course is now open. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come-first served basis

The ASH WA Postgraduate Training in Clinical Hypnosis Course is run by health care professionals for health care professionals.

The program consist of 14 days of live training on zoom including supervision sessions. All workshops are held on weekends.

Session 1.   March 15 – 16, 2025
Session 2.  April 05 – 06
Session 3.  May 3-4
Session 4.   June 14 – 15
Session 5.  July 26 – 27
Session 6. September 13 – 14

Long Case Study due: October 03
Session 7. November 01-02. Case Study presentations and Workshop

Graduation Dinner and AGM. November 22. TBC


Some of these dates may be subject to change due to availability/unavailability of Lecturers. 
Course fees are payable in full and are non-refundable regardless of whether or not participants complete the course. 

Course participants will receive 14 days of practical experiential training including supervision sessions from a Training Faculty of National and International Presenters (see Training Faculty) with over 400 years of collective experience.  Supervision and mentoring are provided during the course together with comprehensive course notes and complimentary attendance at the Graduation Dinner

Super Early Bird received by 5:00 pm 12/02/25


Normal registration  


Payment Plan – Deposit of $1100 by 8/03/25
Then 3 payments of $700 on 02/05/25, 27/06/25 and 29/08/25

$1100.00 (deposit)

Full time 4th year or Masters students (payment plan can be arranged)
Please note that the Certificate will be awarded to students when preliminary registration is obtained.

Course enrolment for students  must be completed before 14/02/25

Please note that all course payments are due and payable on the due date whether or not you complete the course


For more information and/or enquiries, please contact ASH WA Chair, Brian Allen at 0449 798 909.

How to Register

You can secure your spot using one of the following methods:

1. Register via EFT

  • Transfer payment to:
    The Australian Society of Hypnosis West Australian Branch Inc
    BSB: 086 – 136
    Account Number: 01-557-2175
  • Email your EFT receipt to, along with your full name, street address, and mobile number.

2. Register Online

  • Click the “Register Now” button below to sign up via Humanitix.

Course Details

               THE SYLLABUS

Clinical Hypnotherapy I (An Introduction)

  • The nature, history and theories of hypnosis
  • Myths and misconceptions of hypnosis
  • Client preparation and contra indications
  • Model of Hypnotic Process
  • Traditional induction and deepening techniques
  • Age regression, ideo-motor signalling and Hypnoanalytical techniques
  • Utilisation and conversational inductions
  • Induction and deepening techniques
  • Direct and indirect suggestion
  • Accessing resources and ego-strengthening
  • Ethical issues in hypnotic practice

Clinical Hypnotherapy II (Advanced Applications)

  • Hypnosis and strategic therapy
  • The response set, metaphors and storytelling
  • Integrating clinical hypnosis into your practice
  • Utilizing hypnosis with children
  • Memory, hypnosis & False Memory Syndrome
                         Areas of application include but not limited to :

Alcohol Problems
Anger Management
Bed Wetting
Cancer and Chemotherapy
Drug Problems
Eating Disorders
Exam Nerves
Habit Disorders

Labor and Childbirth
Pain Control
Palliative Care
Self Esteem
Self Hypnosis
Sexual Dysfunction
Sleep Disorders
Trauma Counselling
Weight Problems