About Us

The Australian Society of Hypnosis WA Inc (ASH WA) is a not-for-profit organisation that was formed to be recognised as the first choice for all matters relating to the ethical practice of hypnosis in the community, and the leader in professional education, training and research.

Since its inception, ASH WA has been training health care professionals in the fields of medicine psychology and dentistry in the use of Clinical Hypnosis. In 2010 ASH WA , expanded its membership to include other qualified health care professionals. ASH WA now welcomes into its training program new members from the fields of social work, midwifery, nursing and physiotherapy. It is hoped that full members from these new disciplines will enhance the eclectic nature of the society alongside medicine, psychology and dentistry.

In addition to training those new to hypnosis, ASH WA will provide ongoing professional development in the form of workshops and seminars. These provide a forum where members meet to learn new techniques, discuss cases and provide mutual support. Information and advice is available to members of the public via email or phone, and referral details of fully qualified hypnosis practitioners/hypnotherapists can be obtained from this office. ASH WA is run by members who are elected on a bi-annual basis to serve on its Executive Committee. Without the dedication of these volunteers, none of the afore-mentioned services would be available. New members are welcomed (and encouraged) to become involved (by nominating for a position on the Executive or volunteering to assist on a sub-committee) so that ASH WA can continue to flourish.